Wednesday 12 July 2017

How to Start an Online Freelance Business with Almost Nothing

How to Start an Online Freelance Business with Almost Nothing

When I was completed my B.Sc (computer science) then I wanted to become a IT administrator but after completing MCA , my mind went to become a business administrator. After that I joined North Bengal University for MBA in advertising management and got placed as regional manager in Hindustan Unilever Limited but I had left the job with in 1+ years. Working in a multinational company I had got lots of experience to become a freelancer to earn my bread & butter. Starting an online business can seem like a grand, daunting task. But it’s not as hard as you might think.

How to Start an Online Freelance Business

In this post, I’m going to show you how anyone reading this can start an online business where they can make hundreds to thousands of dollars a month or more right away. You don’t need an investor, you don’t need a team, you just need you and a few hours of your time. Everyone can do it.
Step 1: Free up 1-2 hours per day for your new freelance business
If your excuse is that you don’t have any time, make time. Instead of watching trashy reality TV shows, focus on your new online business instead.
If you spend hours a day browsing Facebook, Instagram – cut your social media addiction in half and spend that found time in your new business.
The point is, you can always find time. We all have the same amount of time, 24 hours in a day. There’s more than likely something you are doing that you could instead invest that time into an online business.
Step 2: Pick a category to freelance in
Here are a few ideas:
  • Writing articles/content
  • Graphic design
  • Coding/programming
  • Virtual assisting
  • Copywriting
  • Social media posting/marketing
  • Online marketing
  • Search engine optimization/link building
  • Entry level accounting/book-keeping
  • Data entry/spreadsheet work

…and countless others
Keep in mind that you don’t need to be an expert, yet. You will charge entry level prices for entry level work. You can start from the bottom and charge just a minimal price. Then as you get more skills you can raise the price. Just about anyone reading this can do basic tasks in all of the above.
Don’t be one of those people that says they can’t sell article writing services because they aren’t an expert. If you had an English class ever in your life you have the skills to at least charge $5 an article. Nobody is expecting gold for $5. They are expecting bronze at best. And in time you will be able to deliver gold and charge gold prices.
To get more of an idea of what kind of services you can market online easily, check out these  freelance sites:
  • seoclerks

Step 3: Register on freelance sites
Registering on freelance sites above will allow you to attract clients that will pay money for these services. If you are somewhat new in that field, you can charge as little as $5 to complete a job for someone on Fiverr.
Take a look at what other freelancers are doing and how they get jobs. Post as someone looking for a freelancer to see what the responses look like. Hire a fellow freelancer to get some tips on what works for them. Freelancers are the type that tend to bond tend and help each other, so don’t be afraid to ask.
As you enhance your skills more and more you can start to raise the price. I would recommend being perfectly honest with people on what your skills are at the time. Don’t try to start charging hundreds of dollars if you have never done it before. Raise the price as you gain experience and your reviews will help you demand those prices.
Step 4: Focus on doing a good job and getting quality reviews
As you complete more jobs make sure to ask your clients to leave you a review. As you gain more reviews you can raise the price. And as you gain more quality reviews you will also attract more clients. It’s a win/win.
Make sure that you under promise and over deliver. A lot of people make the mistake of over-promising and under delivering and this results in bad reviews. Do more than what you promised, not less. This results in exceeded expectations and great reviews.
If the customer doesn’t leave a review, simply ask. Another way to both help you sales and get good reviews is to explain to the client that you are new but dedicated and you will work your tail off for cheap to get a great review. Do this several times and build up quality reviews.
Step 5: Expanding your business from freelance platforms
People often ask what the next step is after freelance platforms. Well, there are several options:
Setup your own website and sell the same services there without having to pay the freelance sites a cut. You can get started on that by getting your own web hosting and domain name so you can build a site with a free tool such as WordPress.
Expand out into a new business for yourself. Instead of taking clients, do the skill you learned for yourself in your own project.
You can scale freelancing gigs pretty high by raising the price. Instead of having 100 clients paying $5, you can have 5 clients paying $100. That way you can handle more jobs and get paid more.
Freelancing is a great way to get started with an online business. After you have an initial client base and skill base the possibilities are endless. The money is also endless. Many people have scaled freelancing into full on agencies and massive companies.
You can also do freelancing while you have a full-time job. If you have an hour or two before or after work (which everyone should be able to find) you can invest that time into your freelance business. Before you know it you may have a great extra income stream or something that you can totally replace your 9-5 with.

Small Business and Internet Marketing Influence via Google

Small Business and Internet Marketing Influence via Google

Google, the world’s most successful Internet company, got so big because so many people have loved its search engine for so long. Lately, though, some folks have become really angry with Google. They’re saying that it’s mistreating the small businesses whose sites show up in its search results.

Small Business and Internet Marketing Influence via Google 

In a ZDNet blog post titled “Google’s highly profitable war against small businesses and jobs,” my friend Tom Foremski accuses Google of … well, waging a highly profitable secret war against small businesses and jobs.
‘Panda’ Bites Back
Foremski accuses the company of tweaking its search results to keep visitors on Google’s own pages rather than sending them to sites operated by small companies. Google initiatives such as research into self-driving cars, he says, are intended to divert the attention of journalists, thereby discouraging them from asking questions about these search-engine changes.
Then there’s an organization called Saving Small Business. It’s agitated about “Panda,” the code name Google gave a set of changes it made to its search algorithm earlier this year. Panda aims to emphasize high-quality sites and push down junky ones. But Saving Small Business maintains that Panda “is destroying small business and jobs” by accidentally penalizing good sites along with the bad.
The organization says that Google isn’t doing enough to explain how companies can maintain high rankings. It also carps that Panda led to layoffs in the search-engine optimization business.
Speaking of search-engine optimization, SEO export Aaron Wall argues that the search engine now favors big brands over everyone else, making it tough for little guys to compete. He’s created an infographic that states his case.
Google Goes Nuclear?
My instinct is usually to side with small companies over behemoths like Google. In this case, however, I’m conflicted.
Sure, I feel for hard-working businesses that have been negatively impacted by changes at Google. I understand why it’s an emotional issue. (Among the metaphors for Google’s search-engine changes used by company owners quoted at Saving Small Business: arson, napalm, nuclear warfare, and a blind man randomly shooting a rifle.)
There’s a crucial lesson for businesses of all sizes here, though. It’s always risky when your company is too dependent on any single organization, whether it’s one major customer or one major search engine.
Google, of course, isn’t just a major search engine: It controls around two-thirds of the search market. You can’t do business on the Web without having a strategy for getting found on Google.
But you also need a strategy for getting found without Google’s help — or at least without as much help as you’d like. A high placement in its search engine was never an entitlement, and it’s self-destructive to act like it is.
Web-Search Sanity
Anyone who’s been paying attention already knew that a company’s ranking in Google results can be fragile. In 2002, a company called SearchKing sued Google when its results tumbled. In 2006, a site called KinderStart filed a similar suit. Both cases were dismissed.
Google isn’t required to guarantee that any company, large or small, will get a great position in its results. It’s also not responsible for preserving the jobs that small businesses create. It’s just a profit-making enterprise that’s under intense, continuous scrutiny — and no matter what it does with its search engine, it’s going to make some people unhappy.
Before it rolled out the Panda update, for instance, the company was taking a drubbing in the media from pundits and rivals who said its results were too spammy. It dealt with the problem in part by demoting sites with lots of affiliate links and little original content, characteristics which are often a sign of poor quality. But especially at first, the changes it made hurt some good sites, too.
Still, I can’t imagine that even the most furious small-business owners would vote to go back to the Web as it existed before Google debuted in 1998. Back then, it was far harder for anyone to find anything on the Internet. By improving search so dramatically, Google let small companies introduce themselves to the world in a way that was utterly new.
The News Isn’t All Bad
Even some of the facts presented by Google’s critics show that it remains a boon to small businesses.
For example, Foremski’s post includes figures that show ad revenue from the ads Google places on partner sites — such as those operated by countless small businesses — growing at a slower rate than revenue from the ads on Google’s own sites. That’s a change from last year, when ads on partner sites outpaced ones on Google itself. But partner-site revenue isn’t shrinking. It’s just increasing at a less robust clip — still in double digits — than it did in 2010.
So what’s the best way to think about Google as a source of customers for your company?
I’d start by maintaining a healthy skepticism about advice provided by search-engine optimization consultants. As Google’s Panda changes proved, SEO trickery that works well one day can fizzle the next.
That doesn’t mean that you can’t take steps to increase your site’s chances of ranking high in Google in a more permanent manner. In this blog post, SEO expert Wall provides some smart tips for doing just that. (A lot of it boils down to “be useful and original.”)
If you’re not using Google’s AdWords service to put your company’s ads in front of people who search Google for keywords relevant to your business, I’d consider doing so. It’s the only way to guarantee yourself a prominent spot on Google.
You should also look beyond Google, thinking about how you’ll reach people on services such as Facebook. These days, your company’s social-network strategy is just as important its search-engine strategy.
I don’t mean to be completely contrarian here. Sitting on the first page of Google results for searches relating to your business is a wonderful thing. We all know that.
Ultimately, though, it’s a little like owning a beautiful home in an area which you know is prone to mudslides. It’s fine to enjoy it while you can, as long as you understand that it might not last forever. And if disaster does strike, being prepared is much, much more productive than being angry.

Do You Want a Freelance Job Instantly To Make Money Online

Do You Want a Freelance Job Instantly To Make Money Online

Have you ever heard of freelancing websites? There is a few special marketplace for freelancing affairs. There the employer offers the project and the job seeker can apply.Previously what is a marketplace? The marketplace is a site developed by its owners to bring together sellers and buyers or employers and job seekers.Benefits for the Seller/employer - He does not need to think about marketing to bring in customers/applicants. The managers will do it for them.

Benefits for buyers/job seekers - They can get what they need, goods, services or jobs.
Marketing usually costs a lot of money and time. Especially for the inexperienced or do not know how. So take advantage of marketplace sites, although some attract fees or commissions, you still get great benefits. Certainly, the fee is much smaller if you have to do it yourself.
Marketplace there is a newfangled like an online store, for example, Bukalapak and Tokopedia, but there is also an advertising model such as OLX and Kitchen Money.
The four names above generally focus on products and services. Meanwhile, if and lead to the job market. The facilities there are designed to make it easy for employers and applicants to meet and interact.
I myself am the manager of the Money kitchen. If you want to sell new / used goods or offer services just plug the ads there. Free, easy and fast. Kitchen Money in place BERJUBEL - Transaction Buying and Selling.
To support my efforts, I've used fiverr several times and seoclerks to get authors of product reviews. Up to now, I've been dealing probably with more than 300-400 applicants. From that experience, I can tell which applicants made me turn off and excited.
It should be noted that the information I share is more subjective, based on my position as an employer.
5 Tips on getting a freelance job
1. Install the original photo of your face
Some people do not care enough to put photos. And before looking at other things, the photo is the first seen.
Does it exist when you apply to a company, which is considered first your photo? If that does not escape, your application enters the trash can.
Without a good photo and a positive impression, the first impression you give is that you are not so serious at work, just a perfunctory, or just click fad.
2. Write down a good reason why you are suitable for the project
Remember when you applied, you were selling yourself. So in that reason, you explain why employers should choose you and not others.
There are applicants who do not give much effort in writing the reason. But some are really serious. Of course the more serious get more attention.
Examples of unfavorable reasons:
3. Make a good portfolio
Workers who look serious are those who have set up their portfolios.
Why is portfolio important?
Because when the employer filters the applicant, he does not know the applicant's ability. Only from the example of his work can he decide whether his expertise is appropriate or not.
The portfolio is better than just words like, "I'm sure I'm capable of doing the job you do well."
Also when you come in full preparation, you will appear more sticky than others.
4. Responsive
Ideally, prospective project applicants can quickly answer the questions that the employer has.
A little less fun if one conversation has to wait a day or two to get a reply.
Indeed not everyone has internet access anytime anywhere. But if anyone is more responsive than you, the chances of getting a job are also bigger than you.
5. Give the sample the requested text
For this tip more inclined for my purposes. Even though people have set up their portfolios, I want people to give me a sample of the article model I'm looking for.
First, I want to know if he can write as I want. Because of my experience, some people tend to write according to what he wants. Not what I need. If I have already obtained a writer like this, it is usually difficult to be directed and the results are not satisfactory for me.
Initially, I asked to write a prospective applicant for 500 words. Then I subtract it to 350 words. Because with a shorter number of words I can better assess whether he is able to write effectively and efficiently.
Additional tips
These are tips that will open up your chances of getting a job back or even recommended to others.
Give more than requested
Some people may feel a loss when it should give more than the minimum amount requested.
However, from my experience, there is one applicant always gives more than requested, he shows me, that he is able to do a bigger job.
I happen to have a bigger and bigger project, so I gave it to him.
If somebody ever needs a good writer, his name is the first one I would recommend.
It should be noted: Not everyone can appreciate the more effort you give. But if you are lucky to meet the right person, the new doors will open for you.

Top secrets to earn money online for daily Payout

Top secrets to earn money online for daily Payout

Nowadays no one can argue if the internet has become one where to get a lot of money and income that is not even limited. It's just that very many people who do not know and understand how to get money from the internet.

Top secrets to earn money online for Daily Payout

If you already know the blog and how to make money from the blog ( make money blogging ), I would say that it was still small.
Blogs are only a small part of the huge potential revenue on the internet. There are still many other ways to earn an abundant income online depending on your expertise and preferences.
What are they?
How to Make Money from the Internet For You Who Love to Write and Communicate
Income opportunities from the internet with the expertise as above, among others are:
You can create and manage blogs with specific topics and make money from ads served in them. Already too many people who managed to generate thousands even up to hundreds of dollars per month just from blogs only.
Please read my complete presentation about blogging and internet marketing business on this page. You can also listen to my reviews on how to quickly make money from blogs. Feel free to ask or share information through the comments field provided.
Become an Article Writer
If your English is good and not disappointing, then being an English-language article writer is a chance to gain income from the internet.
Today many bloggers and website owners need new and unique articles, or it could be a review article from their advertiser. A number of e-commerce companies also need the services of writing articles about their products.
There are many ways to get a job as an article writer. You can create a special blog to market your services, promote through social media, or directly contact the bloggers or companies that need your skills.
Become a Guest Writer (Guest Blogger)
Blogs or sites that already exist usually require the presence of guest contributors or authors ( guest author ) for certain topics and highly paid.
The average income of a guest author in English blogs ranges from USD $ 5 to USD $ 500 per article. For local-scale Indonesia, currently many blogs or sites that require quality guest writers and of course with a decent honorarium.
Become a Forum Poster 
Many online forum owners need freelancers to post as much as possible (origin not spam) on their forums so it looks crowded and valuable. Well, being a forum poster can also give us a decent income online.
Create a VideoBlog or PhotoBlog
Almost similar to blogging, but more on making the content is not written, but just a video or picture only. Abroad, blogs based on video or images are also enough to provide opportunities to earn income online, either through advertising or sales of these blogs.
Translating Documents
Being a translator document ( document translator ) is also an attractive option to generate money from the internet. The human online translator can be paid as long as the result of his work is also high quality.
It's just that not everyone can be a translator, only those who master at least two different languages can do it. It is not like that?
Become an Online Consultant
If you have the expertise of a particular discipline, such as a nutritionist or an expert on child growth, then you can work as an online consultant.
Online consultation can be done through chat, site/blog, social networking media such as Facebook, mailing list (list), personal email or other online media.
To earn an income from an online consulting service like this, a consultant may require a membership system or an hourly fee. Abroad, online consultants are very lively and they are paid handsomely.
Create Ebooks and Books
You can also create ebooks or books about things that you can master and can provide benefits for others. Well, this ebook and book can then be sold for a certain price and become your online income source.
My former colleague, Elvin Miradi has now gained tremendous success by pursuing the business of making and selling books online through his own company that is titled Digi Pustaka. Initially, Elvin only sold the ebook, but now has become an online book publisher.
How about you?
How to Make Money from the Internet For Those Who Like Playing Games
Do you like playing online games? Do not worry. The Internet still opens opportunities for you to make money. How to?
Selling Game Money or Credit Points
Whatever online game you play there is always a way to sell game money that you get into real money. Game money that could be credit points for certain games, chips on online games poker/casino and so forth.
Today, very popular poker chips make real money. Many spend hours in front of an online poker screen just on hunting for poker chips and sell them to other online gamers. This is the easiest way to make money from playing online games, without having to leave your game!
Attend a Tournament or an Online Game Race
If you have the adequate expertise for certain games on the internet, then your chances of becoming an online tournament participant can be wide open. If you win in an online game, then you can get some prizes in cashable form. You are interested?

Opening the Online Store Game Accessory
Certain games that have large fans of business appeal are not small. Online poker for example. You can just create an online store or any form to sell accessories that smell poker games to other online gamers, whether in the form of shirts, hats, pins or other trinkets. It can make money too you know!
Become a Game Observer (Game Reviewers)
You can also be an online game watcher (almost similar to football observers) and publish your analysis and review of certain games through a blog or site created specifically for it.
On the internet, people are usually looking for information about the good of an online game before trying it. Well, if you have an online game review site and it turns out to be popular, then you can make money from the site. Can you provide it?
Selling Game Accounts
Not a bit gamers who managed to earn revenue from the game that he wrestled. The trick is to sell the game account to other interested people. One of the most popular games on Android apps today is Clash of Clans (COC).
Well, in fact, many gamers are looking for high-level COC accounts and are willing to pay for a certain amount of money. If you are reliable gamers and COC player with multiple high-level accounts, you can immediately sell them to other people through Facebook or other social media.
How To Make Money From The Internet For You Like Being a Liaison (Broker)
Do you like to be a broker or a liaison with others? There are several opportunities for you to be able to make money from the internet through these activities.
Become a Broker Link
Being a broker link for some people is fun. You do not need to have a blog to make money, it only takes skill to connect between the blog owner (blogger) with the prospective advertiser (advertiser).
For this, you can offer the lowest link price to the bloggers, but negotiate to get paid high from the advertiser. Well, the margin between the price you get from advertisers with prices approved by bloggers to your online income. Interesting right?
Become a Domain or Site Broker
You can also be a domain broker. Currently, domains with good keywords (premium domains), and domains that have 'more' specifications (PageRank, backlinks, domain age) are higher in price than regular domains.
Well, on the internet, there are people who work online just from buying a domain, managing it to get a certain specification, and then sell it for a higher price.
Well, to become a broker you do not need to do all that circuit. You just need to find a domain or site seller, ask for a list of domains and prices, than then look for potential buyers by offering a higher price than the original seller. You can profit, right?
Become a Product Broker
Not a few people who are lazy to spend the time to offer certain products on the internet. Therefore, they sometimes look for other people who act as brokers (brokers) in return for a certain amount of commissions through affiliate programs. Well, you can do the same thing: being a broker or affiliate!
One affiliate program that is quite popular and widely followed by bloggers and social media users is Cream Yashodara affiliate program. I just made a review about how to successfully do affiliate Yashodara Cream affiliate program here.
With no capital, you only need to register on the website and contents of personal data and account number, can then direct the promotion of their products and get ready to $52.250 affiliate commissions per sale!
You are interested? Please sign up for free here!
How to Make Money from the Internet For You Like to Make Program / Software
If you have certain skills in terms of making the program on the internet, then the opportunity to earn income is very wide open and not many competitors.
What are they?
Creating Software and Online Applications
Creating specific software or functional applications requires expertise and therefore not many people can do it. This means, if you can produce a useful software, then you can just sell it on the internet and make money from that product!
Become a Web Designer / Web Developer
You will be very lucky if you have the expertise to be a web designer or web developer. You can just sell your services on the internet and make money from it.
Become Theme Designer
If you can create a theme (template) for a particular site or blog platform, then this can also be an online source of income by selling copyright and the right to use your work to others. Especially if your work is really qualified!
Create Your Own Search Engine
Some PHP developers jump into this field and generate passive income from the internet. I know a PHP developer from Paris France that generates hundreds of millions of dollars only from PDF search sites, ebooks and MP3s it creates.
Well, what about you?
How to Make Money from the Internet For those of you who are Not Interested in Working in the Real World
There are also among us who may not be interested in working offline in the real world of everyday work. Well, here are some opportunities that you can use to get unlimited monthly income from the internet.
Create an Online Store
If you have a particular product and intend to sell it online, you can create an online store. Creating an online store basically, does not require that you have your own product.
You can also sell other people's products directly or indirectly. So an online store can be a source of income for you even if you have no product at all, just rely on other people's products.
For more information about how to do business online store and tips, please read tips on successful online store business on this blog.
How to Earn Money from the Internet If You Have Adequate Capital
Well, specifically for this level, the opportunity to make money from the open Internet is very wide for those who have adequate capital. How to?
Purchase Sites / Blogs that are Potentially Profitable
You can buy a site or blog that has the potential to make money in the future. This requires a special foresight, especially how to read trends in the movement of internet business and opportunities that exist. Not a few people who succeed with the multiple profits of this kind of business.
Become an Online Trader
Pursue the activity of buying and selling foreign currency or known as forex ( foreign exchange ) and make a stock sale and purchase transaction is also a business opportunity on the internet. The popular term is online trading, the culprit is called an online trader.
But this is in addition to requiring capital, as well as expertise in reading the movement of world currencies and the tendency of economic development.
Especially for earning opportunities through this online trading business, I've discussed it in the article Tips and How to Start an Online Trading Business. If you feel this is a business gap you can handle well, please proceed. If in doubt, learn first from various sources.
Online Currency Conversion Services
There are a number of online payment tools whose rate is always keeping pace with the development of world currency exchange rates. For example PayPal, eGold, PerfectMoney and so on.
Well, business opportunities can be open in this sector. For example, you serve the exchange of PayPal into local currency by using your own exchange rate which is certainly higher in comparison with the normal exchange rate. Some Indonesian bloggers do business like this.
How to Earn Money from the Internet If You Have Adequate Time
If you have adequate free time, I mean that if there are no other activities that require extra attention, then here are some opportunities that can be used to make money from the internet:
Become an Online SEO Submitter
Many website owners, blogs or SEO workers require submission services such as search engine submissions, social bookmarking submissions, article submissions, social media submissions and so on.
Well, what you need is time to do the submission. This is actually a very easy job and can be done even if it does not have a high skill. In India, most high school and college students work part-time as the online submitter. You are interested?
Following Online Survey Program
Many online survey programs that can give us a decent income. All you need to do is fill out some survey questions and you get paid for it.
One of the local online survey programs that you can try is Nusa Research. Please read more about Nusa Research paid survey program here.
Become Data Entry Power
Companies that are stirring in the field of research and marketing usually do a lot of programs that require complete data management. Well, this then opens the opportunity to make money online with a data entry power.
Following the Online Contest
There is always an online contest with a number of interesting prizes, including money. Well, you can participate as a participant.
How to Earn Money from the Internet If You Understand SEO Techniques
If you know and understand search engine optimization (SEO) techniques, then the opportunity to earn money from your services will be very wide open. How to?
Become a Link Builder
A link builder is almost like a link broker. It's just that the link builder is a bit more on the top than the broker link because by becoming a link builder, we are actually determining the link price that we will buy because a number of SEO budget is usually already provided first by our clients.
Become an SEO Consultant
You can also use the expertise in the field of SEO by acting as a consultant at a certain rate. Usually, an SEO consultant is also a link builder and web designer.
Thus 29 ways to get money from the internet that I summarize from various sources on the internet and a number of them while I am at this moment. The point is just one, FOCUS!
There are still so many online business opportunities that we can wrestle. You can also participate in adding other business opportunities by commenting below.

Instant opportunities to make money online from 50 websites

Instant opportunities to make money online from 50 websites

Internet offers us many opportunities to make money. But at the same time, it is also filled with lots of scams and fraudsters. Earning money on the Internet is a brilliant idea. But to successfully earn a decent income, you must first find genuine ways to make money on the Internet. In this article, I will introduce you to some of the best and trusted sites that you can use to make money online.The process of making money online is not a piece of cake. It needs quite an effort to earn money today and earning money through trusted money making websites online is no different from any other job or task you undertake.

Instant opportunities to make money online from 50 websites

You must have come across hundreds of schemes and scams enticing you to sign up and earn money online and offline. If you are one of those who has become a victim to such scams and has lost quite a lot of bucks in the urge to earn some extra cash, I have come up with some bets and trusted websites to make money online.
Before we head to the list of sites, I would like to clarify certain myths related to the concept of ‘making money online’. Many people believe that the process of making money on the Internet is a cakewalk. But believe me, people, it is not as easy as you believe.
If you have frequently searched for ways to make money online, then I bet that you must have come across flattering ads like- ‘make $400 by working for just 3 hours from home’. These ads and sites are designed to attract people and dupe them later. Such sites make visitors believe that making money on the Internet is very easy.
In reality, it takes some effort to earn money online. First of all, you must find genuine sites and sources to earn money on the Internet. After that, you must set a ‘financial goal’, like- earn 100$ in a month. Once you set your ‘goal’, it is time to work hard and achieve it. There are enough genuine sources on Internet that will enable you to achieve your financial goals!
It is very important to find genuine websites on the internet. So, the first step is much done here by me through this article that highlights these websites. I have well explained the way this website help you earn money, but remember the effort that you put solely depends on your own will.
#1 is a very popular humor site. This site gets millions of page views each month. They publish funny listicles, videos, photos etc. will happily pay you if you write for them! If you think you can write up a great humor article then you must definitely try this site. The best way to make money using is by submitting funny articles.
You may also take part in their weekly photoshop contest and earn money! You may also submit funny videos. Click here to write for
To earn from this site, your content must be of top quality. publishes only the best content. You will be paid only after your content gets approved by the site’s editors and is published.
Listverse is a site dedicated to ‘top 10 lists’. Listverse stand for ‘List Universe’! This site posts top 10 lists daily. These lists belong to different categories. Some of the popular categories are- Bizarre facts, mystery, humans, crime etc.
Listverse also has an excellent ‘Write and get paid’ plan. Listverse pays writers $100 for lists and $40 for picture lists. Your list/picture list must follow certain rules in order to get published. The payment will be made through PayPal.
If you have good writing skills and can write up an interesting list, then you better visit and submit your list.
#3 is a very popular site that offers useful content to its users. The contents belong to a wide variety of categories like computers, technology, blogging, studying etc.
These useful contents are submitted by freelancers writing for They are known as ‘guides’.’s guides are experts in their respective fields.
The good news is that pays its guides for their content. You may become a guide on But you must be an expert of your concerned field. You will have to undergo a selection process to start writing for this site.
Knowledgenuts is a site that publishes useful and interesting facts. It is a new site launched by the founder of Listverse.
Like Listverse, Knowledgenuts also has a good ‘Write and get paid’ plan. For each accepted article, the site pays you $10. The payment will be made through PayPal. Visit the site and go through the rules and regulations before you submit an article.
#5 is a well known PTC (Paid To Click) site. You can earn money from this site in two ways- by clicking and viewing ads on the site and by referring people to the site.
Users of this site can earn up to $0.02 for clicking and viewing ads. Users must view the ad for a specific time (30 seconds).
Premium users of this site can also earn by making referrals. Once the referred member earns $1 by viewing ads, the referrer gets $0.50 commission.
Clixsense is a trusted site when to comes to payment. Payment options include PayPal, Payza, and bank cheques.
The above mentioned sites are good sources to make money. But to earn a decent income, you must put dedicated effort. I recommend readers to visit these sites and carefully go through their rules, regulations, and guidelines. Stay away from scams, there are lots of them out there! Only get involved in legit activities. If you want to add more reliable sites to this list, mention them in comments.
Wondering how YouTube can help you make money? YouTube has this fantastic revenue sharing program that you are unaware of! If you make good videos, all following the guidelines set up by YouTube, then you too may get chosen as a ‘partner’ of the site. YouTube allows its partners to earn a part of the revenue that is accumulated from the ads displayed along with the video when it is played! Just take a look at some popular Indian YouTube channels like- TVF (The Viral Fever) and AIB (All India Bakchod). Such popular channels even get direct sponsorship and advertisers too. The advertisement is usually done in the form of brand mentioning within the video. But let me tell you one thing, to reach such high level of popularity, you must be a creative genius and a hard worker, like the folks at AIB and TVF.
It is a PPD (Pay Per Download) site. Let me tell you how it works. First of all, you need to register on the site. This has to be followed by uploading a file onto the site. You’ll be provided by a link to the uploaded file. Now, each time someone visits that link to download that file, they will be asked to complete a survey before they can lay their hands on the file. Each completed survey and download is counted and paid for. Thus, basically for each successful download of that file, you get paid! You may promote the link to the file on Social Media or on blogs (just like I do). So, you may try out this mode of making money even without owning a blog!
CPA Grip–
Just like the previous entry, this one is also a PPD site. The way of working is exactly the same. There are some options available though, like a content locker, URL and File locker, Video Locker, Virtual Currency and Offer Wall.
This site is a paradise for writers. Writers are paid for writing posts on the site and for sharing them on social networking sites. I’ll describe to you how Bubblews works. For each article you write, you will be paid 0.01$ for every unique visit that it gets! And for every ‘like’ that it gets, 0.01$ will be paid again! For a comment that the article gets, another 0.01$ is added!
For a friend you refer to Bubblews, you will be paid 0.2$ for the first article he/she posts! So, for a view, you get paid 0.01$. The article has to be just 300-400 words, that is some 2-3 paragraphs only!
So, if you write 10 such articles and you get 100 views for each of them, by sharing it on sites like Facebook and asking your friends to read them, then it will garner some 1000 views. This means you earn 10$ (around 600 Rupees!). And add to it number of likes and comments, the amount can well cross 1200-1500 INR!
If you ask me, Bubblews is one of the best ways for Indians to make money online. Most money making sites cater to visitors from the west. Asian and Indian visitors are often paid paltry amounts by money making sites. But Bubblews pays visitors from around the world richly! Click here to register on Bubblews and start earning money today by publishing an article right away. You may write on any topic that pleases you!
Make money by downloading apps (for Android users only)-
So far, we’ve dealt with content writing sites mostly, in our quest to make money online. But, this entry is all about the power of the mobile internet and Android apps! Thanks to Android smartphone revolution, people have access to the world of interesting and useful apps! But what about making money from these apps? Well, one can make money by making apps and monetizing them. But creating apps is not a thing that we all know.
mCent app
But what about downloading apps and getting paid money for doing it? The app named m cent enables its users to make money by downloading apps!
Please note that only Android users can make use of this method. All you need to do this is install this m cent app on your Android mobile phone. This app will then let you try out other apps on Play Store. Meanwhile, you will be paid money for downloading and trying out those apps! Just imagine being paid 50 Rupees just to download the Quikr app, RedBus app or any app of your choice!
Click here to download m cent app and start making money by downloading apps! The money earned can be used to recharge mobile phones. m cent also has an attractive referral plan. For each friend you refer, the app pays your 50 Rupees (these days the app keeps changing the referral reward amount)! Imagine referring 10 friends, which is a normal feat, you’ll get 500 Rupees easily! Make use of this app, earn money, get recharges done on your phone for free!
I started working on this article keeping in mind the top 5 trusted websites to make money online. The target audience that I had in my mind then was- students, housewives, aged folks etc, who could make extra income while working from home, making use of Internet and Computer. Since this post got published some years ago, its size as only increased! I managed to add more entries (sites and ways to make money online) to it on a regular basis. This is one such update. I did more research and ended up finding some more awesome ways and websites, using which one could make a decent amount of money online. Read on and you’ll get all the information that you need.
As usual, making money using the below-mentioned websites and methods isn’t very easy. You will have to put in decent efforts before you may start seeing results. Also, having good skills (that one can sell on the Internet) will be a boon!
# Making money using Facebook
Facebook is a Social Networking site that we all love to use! It is so simple, powerful and useful that we find ourselves addicted to it! Excess usage of Facebook is not something we often tend to end up with, thanks to this addiction. And this excessive usage of this social networking site is not something that we should be really proud of!
How cool it would have been, had it been possible to make money using Facebook! Wait, according to me, that feat is very much possible! Yes, it is possible to make money using Facebook. It is very much possible to make money using a site, on which, we tend to spend a large chunk of the 24 hours that we get daily!
There are different techniques using which one may make money on Facebook. Some commonly used methods are- setting up pages and making money using them through content promotion and advertising, sharing shortened links (paid ones), becoming Social Media Manager, selling products using Facebook pages (just like in case of a shop!), flipping Facebook pages etc.
If you are interested in knowing about the above-mentioned methods in detail, do check out this article about making money using Facebook! You’ll love it for sure!
# Making money using WhatsApp
WhatsApp is the hottest messaging app on Earth right now. Know why it is so popular? It is simple, efficient and clean, that’s why! Like Facebook, we all tend to spend a considerable amount of time using this app too!
Like in case of Facebook, WhatsApp can also be used to make some amount of money! And since we all spend a good amount of time using this app, I couldn’t resist but write an article about making money using WhatsApp. You may check that link and find out some cool methods, using which, you may make money from WhatsApp!
# iWriter
Got decent writing skills? If yes, iWriter website could help you put this skill to use and help you earn money by writing for others! The way it works is similar to that of sits like Cracked and Listverse- you get paid for writing articles.
In simple terms, iWriter is a platform, where writers and requester (who need articles) are allowed to interact. Writers may register and take look at the list of requested and the type/topic of article that they want. The price specs are decided by the requester.
The price depends on the quality of the article, article length, the writer’s level on the site etc. Quality content is valued on this site. The requester’s reviews help writers climb up the rating level ladder quickly. On the upper rungs, payments are much more than in the case of new members. So, the key while using iWriter should be to churn out quality content, satisfy the requester and thus improve own rating!
# Fiverr
Like iWriter, Fiverr too is a site that lets you make money by making use of skills that you possess. iWriter focuses exclusively on writing skills. Fiverr, on the other hand, allows one to come in with a much more wide set of skills. It is a freelancing site that will help you market your skills and find relevant gigs from buyers.
Fiverr too is thus like an online market place, where sellers and buyers may interact and do business! Getting started is simple- register on the site, fill the profile correctly and provide details of skills that you possess! To get more out of Fiverr, it is necessary to jump on to higher levels! Doing quality work and satisfying buyers will help get good ratings, testimonials and even handsome tips!
Like Fiverr, there exists other freelancing sites too, which you folks may check out. The basic concept in their case too is- “put your skills to use and make money using our sites”. Some good sites are-, and
All of the above mentioned sites help skilled freelancers find buyers. If you have any useful skill- writing, graphics, video making/editing, web designing etc, register on the above mentioned sites and you’ll be able to find relevant gigs and works!
# Udemy
Udemy is a very popular site that focuses on online courses. The good news is that Udemy allows people to register as course Instructors and use their platform to reach out to students. They allow course Instructors to create course material and monetize them!
Udemy provided awesome tools using which course material can be designed. After that, this course material can be put up on their platform for students to use and thus help Instructors monetize it in this process! In case of Instructors, advantages are two- they will be able to reach out to students and help them acquire knowledge and skills and they will also be able to monetize their course material! In simple terms, it is like getting paid for teaching online.
# Paid survey sites
A paid survey site asks users to take part in surveys and in return pays the user a small amount. While this scheme sounds exciting at first, this field is filled with fake survey sites, which pays nothing at all to users!
But there are good paid survey sites out there too, which rewards users well for the surveys that they take part in. I’ve compiled a good list of trusted paid survey sites that one may make use of and make money online!
# E- Commerce sites like Flipkart, Amazon etc
Most E Commerce sites also have attractive affiliate programs, which common users like you and I can make use of. Basically it is all about promoting products available on the site and register sales using affiliate link (can be obtained after registering as an affiliate on that particular site).
The first step is to register as an Affiliate on the site. After that, you may access the affiliate dashboard, find good products to promote, get the affiliate link and promote it on platforms like Social media sites, WhatsApp, forums, blogs etc. For each sale that you manage to get (via your affiliate link), you’ll be paid a commission (depends on the site and product being sold).
See, making money online is not something that is very difficult. But it is not a very easy task either! As evident from this article, there are number of methods to get started. Each method requires different set of skills to succeed. There are various methods to accept payment/get paid, when it comes to making money online. PayPal is a commonly used mode. Make sure that you have means and modes to accept payment! Choose a method that suits you best and start working hard on it. With time, results will begin to show up!

Fashion Business Farm and Blogging Success Mantras

Fashion Business Farm and Blogging Success Mantras

The global Fashion industry is a very promising field of business because the needs of people will be increasing clothing. Well, readers, who Admin is proud of this time there is some kind of tips in running a business in the field of the fashion business. The genius admin Ms Sadur from BisnisUKM blog , and hopefully this article can be useful for all.

Fashion Business Farm and Blogging Success Mantras

One of the secrets to achieving success in the fashion industry is to work by using the creative forces, strategic strength, and optimistic psychological powers of everyone in the workplace. The fashion business is very sensitive to quality, fashion, price, trend, and lifestyle; Which is always changing with changing needs, purchasing power, and consumer tastes. Therefore, it takes total integrity from everyone in the fashion industry to be procreative in understanding and serving all the needs of the market perfectly.
The Very Things to Look For In Starting a Business in the Fashion Industry

Business info
Understanding and neglecting market perception is a misconduct in the fashion business. Consumers are the treasures of the fashion industry that will continue to create added value for the advancement of the fashion business. A fashion industry should really understand the meaning of all the designs made, whether the fashion design is able to create a sense of comfort, sense of worth and a sense of happiness for the wearer? To be sure every human being needs clothing to cover his body.
Currently, the development of the fashion business is very rapid, from the start of the business distro, boutique business, factory outlet, until the clothing business into business opportunities that generate a considerable turnover. Because of the market interest in fashion increasingly high day. Therefore, the fashion industry will never be extinct by any change, but the fashion industry always needs unlimited innovation and imagination to present fashion works with the latest fashion and trends, able to answer the needs and satisfaction of consumers.
Everyone needs clothing, but along with the development of the present time clothing evolved into a fashion that continues to follow the community, especially for young people. Young people always put the fashion that they use, so they feel comfortable and not outdated.
Lack of business
The rise of the fashion business led to a fairly tight market competition. Almost in every corner found a fashion business that offers its products with various advantages. If your product does not have certain advantages or characteristics, it will only erode the increasingly high business competition. Therefore increase your creativity to offer other fashion products from the existing fashion business.
The Excess business 
an interest of young people to the development of fashion is very large, this makes consumers more consumptive in the affairs of fashion. So the chances of reaching a large turnover is even wider for the fashion business. In addition, there are now many clothing companies and manufacturers of other fashion products, so to meet the stock of goods is not difficult.
Currently, fashion business marketing is often done by the business is opening an online store. Some fashion businesses deliberately market their products through websites, blogs, or social networking like Facebook to reach consumers outside the region. Marketing with online media is quite effective because product marketing can be more extensive.
Then marketing can also be done by opening a store in a strategic location, for example in the center of the crowd or in the campus environment. For product introduction, you can distribute flyers and pamphlets around the business location. So that the surrounding community knows the existence of the business. Furthermore, to attract consumers, you can also provide discounts or discounts on certain events. Because consumers are very happy with the discount.
The key to success
Well, how to make business in the fashion industry can be a success that is always update about the current fashion developments. Customize existing fashion trends with market demand. Usually, the fashion trend changes very quickly, so keep developing information about current trends. And finally, your business is not less competitive with other businessmen.

How to Make Money Online From Social Media Websites

How to Make Money Online From Social Media Websites

There are the most popular social media, then, of course, there is also a Founder or Creator of social media that is successful because of the social media they manage. For example the Facebook Founder  "Mark Zuckerberg", Twitter Founder "Jack Dorsey", and others. They are one of the most successful people in the world and have tremendous wealth via theirs social media websites.

Many experts say that social media is for connecting with people, and not for selling, but at some point, you're going to want to leverage the connections you create. If you've built up enough trust with your followers, they'll be more inclined to check out your recommendations and the links you share.
Here are top ways you can make money on social media.
1. Promote affiliate products.
No matter what industry you're in, you can find great products to promote on ClickBank. And if that doesn't quite jive with you, you can also become an Amazon Associate, promote products of your choosing and earn commissions on them -- Amazon has no shortage of products.
Next, instead of spamming links on Twitter and hoping for the best, keep in mind that the most honest and effective way of promoting affiliate products is through reviews. If you personally use a product and like it, and know that your followers serve to benefit from it, then write a long-form review on your blog, and share why you like the product. Don't be afraid to talk about what you like and don't like about it. You can even use video if that's more your style.
Also, make sure to disclose your affiliate relationships. This is a legal requirement in most cases, but it's also "best practice." Your readers or viewers will appreciate your honesty.
2. Create and promote your own information products.
If you already have a blog, and you've demonstrated your expertise on a specific subject over a period of time, there may be an opportunity to create an ebook, audio program or video course and sell it to your audience. Social media is the perfect place to promote such a product.
Platforms like Gumroad, Sellfy and Amazon's KDP program make it easy for you to publish and sell your PDF, MP3 or video file at a price of your choosing -- keeping in mind that all platforms do take a cut, even if it's small.
As with anything, quality is key to creating something people not only want to read, but will pay to read. If you take extra care in creating great information, designing and promoting it well, you will definitely see more sales.
3. Promote products and services.
There are many opportunities for you to share sponsored posts that promote the products and services of other businesses. This is a very direct way of earning money from social media.
But, if you don't have a sizable following, this may not be much of an opportunity. You also have to beware of over-promoting products for want of money, because if your followers see that you're constantly tweeting about one product or another, not only will they not click on the links, they will also un-follow you.
It's important to mix things up. It's wise to take the time to craft a proper social media posting schedule, to make sure you're adding value to your followers while promoting products. Calls to action should definitely be a part of your social media strategy, but every post can't be a call to action.
4. Use visual media to promote your crafts.
If you tend to create handmade crafts, art pieces, or even articles of clothing and knitting, there may be an opportunity to showcase your products on social media. Instagram and Pinterest may seem like obvious places to hit, but Facebook, Twitter and Google+ are also great channels for sharing visual media.
If you have an Etsy account, you can direct your followers to check out your products there, and between the different channels, you have the potential to make a good living.
5. Promote your coaching or consulting services.
Social media is a great place to generate leads for your consulting business. Whether you're a guitar teacher or a life coach, if you have demonstrated expertise in a specific area, you can create more interest for your services by connecting with your target customer on social media.
Coaching sessions can be conducted over Skype, so this is definitely an opportunity to make money without leaving home. Consulting can be lucrative, so remember not to undercut yourself -- charge a fair price for your time and effort.
This strategy can also work in unison with selling information products, as those who want your advice are more likely to be interested in the ebooks and courses you've created.
6. Join the YouTube Partner Program
Building a popular YouTube channel can be a lot of work. But if you already have a following, or you're determined to build your audience, joining the YouTube Partner Program to make money on advertising might be a path worth exploring.
There are prominent YouTube content creators who have made substantial amounts of money with this program, but they are the exception rather than the rule. It would take a lot of time, strategy and sheer luck to make money on YouTube. However, this is a good thing to keep in mind with advertising in general. Unless you're already getting a lot of views and clicks, you're not going to make a lot of money on them. These are just some of the many ways you can make money with social media; there are plenty of other money-making websites for you to explore.
It's important to remember that making money on social media isn't necessarily easy. If you have an entrepreneurial spirit and are willing to work hard, test and experiment, your chances of success will be far greater than the chances of those who just want to "give it a try" to see what happens.
Here are 3 websites with the best social media integration
Here are 3 websites that have been listed as the best social media-based website according to AWWWARDS. The award recognizes the talents and efforts of the world's best designers, developers, and web agencies.
Interactive Catalog, Bonobo
Interactive Catalog 'Bonobo Jeans is very responsive and connected to social media. Their site gives visitors the opportunity to share what they buy into social media, which helps raise awareness of Bonobo Jeans products and sales.
This website is an interactive project against drugs and addiction. Its website manager integrates social media into the project by giving visitors the opportunity to follow this project on their social profile.
Cinderella Past Midnight
Cinderella Past midnight combines original illustrations, printouts, GIF series, and images from films to provide a narrative, interactive and social media experience that appeals to the users. This site is on Tumblr, which has a strong social mediation integration.
Your social media presence does not have to end on your social media profile. By making your website more friendly to social media, you not only increase the number of visitors to your site through social media but also increase the number of followers of your social media through your website. When both can work together, you'll have a strong team to improve your overall online presence.
Fun not to learn about how to integrate social media on your website, and be inspired by some of the most talented web designers who have created websites with robust social media integration? Do you know of any other ways to integrate social media on websites? Share the information in the comments below.