Wednesday 12 July 2017

Do You Want a Freelance Job Instantly To Make Money Online

Do You Want a Freelance Job Instantly To Make Money Online

Have you ever heard of freelancing websites? There is a few special marketplace for freelancing affairs. There the employer offers the project and the job seeker can apply.Previously what is a marketplace? The marketplace is a site developed by its owners to bring together sellers and buyers or employers and job seekers.Benefits for the Seller/employer - He does not need to think about marketing to bring in customers/applicants. The managers will do it for them.

Benefits for buyers/job seekers - They can get what they need, goods, services or jobs.
Marketing usually costs a lot of money and time. Especially for the inexperienced or do not know how. So take advantage of marketplace sites, although some attract fees or commissions, you still get great benefits. Certainly, the fee is much smaller if you have to do it yourself.
Marketplace there is a newfangled like an online store, for example, Bukalapak and Tokopedia, but there is also an advertising model such as OLX and Kitchen Money.
The four names above generally focus on products and services. Meanwhile, if and lead to the job market. The facilities there are designed to make it easy for employers and applicants to meet and interact.
I myself am the manager of the Money kitchen. If you want to sell new / used goods or offer services just plug the ads there. Free, easy and fast. Kitchen Money in place BERJUBEL - Transaction Buying and Selling.
To support my efforts, I've used fiverr several times and seoclerks to get authors of product reviews. Up to now, I've been dealing probably with more than 300-400 applicants. From that experience, I can tell which applicants made me turn off and excited.
It should be noted that the information I share is more subjective, based on my position as an employer.
5 Tips on getting a freelance job
1. Install the original photo of your face
Some people do not care enough to put photos. And before looking at other things, the photo is the first seen.
Does it exist when you apply to a company, which is considered first your photo? If that does not escape, your application enters the trash can.
Without a good photo and a positive impression, the first impression you give is that you are not so serious at work, just a perfunctory, or just click fad.
2. Write down a good reason why you are suitable for the project
Remember when you applied, you were selling yourself. So in that reason, you explain why employers should choose you and not others.
There are applicants who do not give much effort in writing the reason. But some are really serious. Of course the more serious get more attention.
Examples of unfavorable reasons:
3. Make a good portfolio
Workers who look serious are those who have set up their portfolios.
Why is portfolio important?
Because when the employer filters the applicant, he does not know the applicant's ability. Only from the example of his work can he decide whether his expertise is appropriate or not.
The portfolio is better than just words like, "I'm sure I'm capable of doing the job you do well."
Also when you come in full preparation, you will appear more sticky than others.
4. Responsive
Ideally, prospective project applicants can quickly answer the questions that the employer has.
A little less fun if one conversation has to wait a day or two to get a reply.
Indeed not everyone has internet access anytime anywhere. But if anyone is more responsive than you, the chances of getting a job are also bigger than you.
5. Give the sample the requested text
For this tip more inclined for my purposes. Even though people have set up their portfolios, I want people to give me a sample of the article model I'm looking for.
First, I want to know if he can write as I want. Because of my experience, some people tend to write according to what he wants. Not what I need. If I have already obtained a writer like this, it is usually difficult to be directed and the results are not satisfactory for me.
Initially, I asked to write a prospective applicant for 500 words. Then I subtract it to 350 words. Because with a shorter number of words I can better assess whether he is able to write effectively and efficiently.
Additional tips
These are tips that will open up your chances of getting a job back or even recommended to others.
Give more than requested
Some people may feel a loss when it should give more than the minimum amount requested.
However, from my experience, there is one applicant always gives more than requested, he shows me, that he is able to do a bigger job.
I happen to have a bigger and bigger project, so I gave it to him.
If somebody ever needs a good writer, his name is the first one I would recommend.
It should be noted: Not everyone can appreciate the more effort you give. But if you are lucky to meet the right person, the new doors will open for you.

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