Tuesday 1 September 2015

Feeling When Move From India to USA

Feeling When Move From India to USA 

1. Initial few days in USA- Myth Busters:
  • Where are all the tall buildings? If you are coming to USA for the first time, without any prior firsthand accounts of life in USA, then you have a certain image formed in your head about USA. One of them is to  expect to see this from your window as your flight lands-
While in actuality, you see this-
This is how most of US looks like (that’s Raleigh, NC). Cities with skylines like the previous pic (that’s Chicago) can be counted on the fingers of your right hand and still have fingers left to pick or scratch your nose :p
  • What about low freezing temperatures? Coming from India, most of us are looking forward to cooler climates, at least I was. Raleigh, NC greeted me with the hottest summer I’ve ever spent! Suddenly the summers in Mumbai started to seem pleasant.
2. First time juggling a job and studies: Most of us who come to study aren’t funded in the first semester, so we try to search for part time on campus jobs. Having lived a comfortable life without worrying about money in India, it’s a very big deal when we have to carve out time for everything we do along with a stressful job. It becomes frustrating to the point of giving up! But it’s an experience of a lifetime. I would say, even if you have trucks full of money in India, do a part time job. The struggle you go through is a life lesson and it’s something the average American goes through every day.
3. Internship is one big vacation: By this time, you are acclimatized to the American culture and all your myths have been busted. With the internship in your hands, you also have plenty of cash, hard earned by you, yourself. This is when you are exposed to American work culture. You slog your ass off while at work, but outside of that, life is a party. You now have the time and money to explore and experience America the way it should be. Internship indeed ends up being a 3-6 month long vacation!
4. Post-graduation: OK, so you’ve gone through the grueling months to finally earn that degree you came here for. Or maybe you went through those months working back in India and landed a job here. Either ways, this is when you start living the American life! You get a car, you live in a big house, you travel all over the country and even outside it. You party every weekend without having to worry about a project submission. You go on hikes, hit the gym more often, get in shape and suddenly become health conscious. No more butter in your Pav Bhaji and no more cheese on your subway sandwich! You’ll go skydiving, bungee jumping, scuba diving, surfing, rock climbing and what not. You’ll look forward to long weekends and make plans months in advance; all the while blessing the wise Americans who aligned all their holidays to weekends, giving us plenty of long ones! You’ll shop without a second thought, you’ll watch movies every other week and all in all, you’ll have the best time of your life!

Day 0:
– Where have all the people gone?
– The roads are so Awesome!
– Food portions: Is this just for me? – To-go box – what’s that?
– Why is everyone smiling at me?
– Wow – so many friendly Indians!
– 13 dollars for lunch == Rs 780 (Mental note to cook more)
– Look at these carssssss!
Day 10-20:
– Lease, Internet, Electricity, Insurance – All check: Damn I didn’t get to display my bargaining skills
– Whoa – no one is trying to steal from me (I got to drop the habit of watching my back)
– Used Car? Seriously – who buys that?
– Personal Space – That’s a nice concept
Day 30+:
– Netflix, Hulu, High speed Internet – I’m never gonna leave this place!
– So many Indian restaurants – I’ll survive
– Party Until 2AM. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyy!
– Traffic police can be this polite? Jeesh
– A ‘Sale’ is really a ‘Sale’ and they are always ON?
– Where are the premium outlets?
– First Paycheck: This is what the American Dream is all about & No State Tax – Euphoric!
-Xe.com appears in the most frequented sites
– How do I send money home?
Day 90+:
–Minimum of one ticket – Defensive Driving ! – So what if it’s 6 hours? I’m gonna save some $
– I get a lot of time for self reflection nowadays
– Mom’s comment during phone conversation: “You never used to talk to us so much while you were here”
– Go ga-ga over Groupon –  Theatre,  Zumba, Book Clubs
– What do I need to buy during Black Friday / Thanksgiving?
– Time to plan some holidays
Day 180+:
– Checked in at least a minimum of 3 other states
– Highest peak of social media activity
– Party Saturation Syndrome.
– Let me check tickets to India
– Need to buy gifts for everyone! (Really long list)
Day 270+:
–First trip Back to India – Royal treatment!
– Work the fake american accent :)
And then one fine day, your parents would say “Beta, you’re well settled now. It’s about time you got married!”

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