Monday 26 October 2015

How To Flush Nicotine Out Of Your Body Naturally?

How To Flush Nicotine Out Of Your Body Naturally?

After smoking a cigarette, the nicotine circulates in the bloodstream and creates a kind of high. It takes about 6 – 8 hours to remove the nicotine from a single cigarette out of the body. Most of that nicotine gets eliminated through the urine. Most of the stored nicotine takes 48-72 hours to be metabolized and leave the body. The nicotine by-product cotinine can continue to circulate in the bloodstream for 20-30 days.

The best known substance for removing nicotine from the bloodstream is Vitamin C. It increases your metabolism and creates white blood cells. Eating fruits and vegetables can also help your body flush nicotine – they’re good for the health, they contain water and can make cigarettes taste less appealing.
And research has shown that eating more fruits and vegetables can help you stay tobacco-free for longer. The University of Buffalo published a study in which public health researchers, authors from UB’s School of Public Health and Health professions surveyed 1,000 smokers aged 25 and older. After 14 months, the authors did a follow up with the participants to see if they stayed tobacco-free during the previous month.
They found that the participants who consumed more fruits and vegetables were 3 times more likely to abstain from tobacco for at least 30 days than the participants who consumed smaller amounts of fruits and vegetables. Furthermore, those who consumed more fruits and vegetables smoked less per day, waited longer before having their first cigarette, and had better scores on a nicotine-dependent test.
Here are some reasons why an increased consumption of fruits and vegetables can help people quit smoking:
They reduce nicotine dependence.
Their content of fiber makes people feel fuller – it is known that smokers sometimes confuse hunger with smoking urges.
Meats, alcohol, and caffeinated beverages may enhance the taste of tobacco. However, fruits and vegetables don’t enhance it and may even worsen its taste.
Living a healthier lifestyle could consciously or subconsciously cause smokers to make a shift from an unhealthy lifestyle that involves smoking.
Foods That Naturally Flush Out Nicotine
You should drink plenty of water to stay hydrated because nicotine dehydrates the body. Drinking lots of water will help your body sweat and therefore flush out the nicotine.
Nettle is rich in iron and is great for destroying bacteria and fighting infection.
Celery, zucchinis, egg-plants, beans, and cucumbers can all affect the taste of cigarettes and decrease nicotine dependence. However, avoid eating a lot of sweet vegetables that are high in sugar, because an increased amount of glucose activates the areas of the brain that are responsible for pleasure and satisfaction and can therefore stimulate cravings.
Pine needle tea
Pine needle tea has been used in traditional medicine as a disinfectant of the mouth and throat, but it can also be helpful for maintaining lung health.
Oranges contain high levels of vitamin C and you should eat them regularly in order to replace the vitamin C in your body that is reduced by smoking. Oranges will boost your metabolism to flush the nicotine faster and reduce stress.
Kiwi fruit
Kiwi can help you eliminate nicotine from your body and it will replenish the vitamins A, C and E that are reduced by smoking.
Carrot juice
Carrot juice contains vitamins A, B, C and K that will help you eliminate the nicotine from your body. Nicotine damages your skin, and carrot juice is rich in vitamins that are good for the skin.
Broccoli contains high levels of vitamins B5 and C. Eating broccoli will help you replenish vitamin C and keep your metabolism high. It also contains a substance that can protect the lungs from toxin-related damage.
Spinach is rich in vitamins and folic acid, which are good for your body and especially good in worsening the taste of tobacco.

How to detect Cevical Cancer if you are having a leg pain.

How to detect Cevical Cancer if you are having a leg pain.

The world has many cases with cancer and other fatal diseases with which people are unaware. The symptoms for these diseases should be well informed to handle the disease timely and carefully.

Here is a list of warning signs of cervical cancer that you should not ignore!
1: 20-30 years aged women should get a screening test every 3 years.
2: 30-65 years old women should take it every 3 to 5 years.
3: Before you’re early 20’s, get an HPV vaccination.
4: Avoid secondhand smoke and quit smoking.
5: Prevent STD’s using right steps.

6 Reasons To Immediately Detox Your Liver (from Weight Loss To Immunity)

6 Reasons To Immediately Detox Your Liver (from Weight Loss To Immunity)

Your liver is responsible for processing toxins in the body, so you’ll want to keep it working at its best. Sometimes, though, diet or lifestyle can catch up to us, and, if that happens, a liver cleanse becomes necessary. With a cleanse, you’ll certainly get rid of all that toxic buildup, but there are lots of other perks as well.

Benefits of Liver Cleansing
Many people disregard liver cleansing, but there are some benefits associated with the practice. Not only does it jump start a healthy eating program, it may also help you lose weight. Just what can liver cleansing do for you? Well, here are just 6 pretty great benefits.
1. Weight Loss
Our livers produce bile, which our digestive systems use to break down fat. And since liver cleansing promotes bile production, detoxing your liver might be just the place to start if you want to lose weight.
2. Immune Support
Since the liver reduces toxins, among other things, it makes sense that a healthy liver is crucial to a strong immune system.Cleansing your liver could even give your immune system a boost.
3. Liver Stones
Liver stones, a product of diet, form because of too much cholesterol. The extra cholesterol makes bile harden into tiny stones that can block the liver and gall bladder; you could even have up to 200 to 300 of these affecting your liver’s ability to detox. When you cleanse, though, somewhere between 100 to 300 of the stones could actually be purged from your body.
4. Whole Body Detox
Since the liver removes toxins, turning them into harmless byproducts, there are usually small amounts of toxins in your liver. This is generally not a problem. Issues start, however, when there’s a buildup of too many toxins. That’s when you need to detox in order to get your liver working exactly as it should.
5. Boosts Energy
Some of the harmless byproducts the liver makes are actually nutrients the body will use. Whether from liver stones or too much toxic build up, some of those nutrients simply won’t make it back into the bloodstream. When that happens, your energy levels will likely drop, so liver cleansing will make you feel better because not only will you have all of your nutrients—but also all of your energy.
6. Supports Vitality
Remember that by cleansing the liver, you’re restoring it to peak efficiency. Reducing all that toxic buildup will make your skin look brighter and healthier. And since promoting bile production helps with fat breakdown, you’ll also tone your body easier and could even look and feel at least five years younger!
So, are you ready to make a change for the better? Well, a liver cleanse might be just the ticket. So, have you ever detoxed your liver? Tell us about it in the comments below.
Parker, G. A. & Picut, C. A. Liver Immunobiology. Toxicologic Pathology. 33 (1).
Racanelli, V. & Rehermann, B. The Liver as an Immunological Organ. Hepatology. 43 (2, Supplement 1).
Grünhage, F. et al. Increased gallstone risk in humans conferred by common variant of hepatic ATP-binding cassette transporter for cholesterol. Hepatology. 46 (3).

closeup picture of woman hands holding glass of water .

Say Goodbye To Belly Bloat Forever! Here Are 3 Simple Tips To Help You Flatten Your Stomach Starting Today!

Say Goodbye To Belly Bloat Forever! Here Are 3 Simple Tips To Help You Flatten Your Stomach Starting Today!

If you want to have flat stomach, here you can read about 3 simple ways which will help in achieving your goal:
Reduce the Salt Intake
Salt is found in every kitchen and is very important and healthy additive. But too much salt can lead to water retention and disproportion of salt and water. All these will make you bloated. Also with consuming processed foods as snacks, fast foods, frozen dinner etc. you will enter excessive amount of salt.
Drink More Water
Drinking more water will help you in discharging fluids which will make your belly flatter. The body needs more water when is dehydrated. Try to drink no less than half of your body weight measured in ounces. For example if you weigh 120 lbs. you should drink 60 ounces of water every day.
Stop Chewing Gums
When you chew gum you gulp air and it goes into the stomach and it becomes bloated similarly to blowing up a balloon .And you won’t believe it but the gym which is sugar free is worse.

After Doing This, You Will Never Suffer From Cracked Heels, Corns And Calluses Again!!!

After Doing This, You Will Never Suffer From Cracked Heels, Corns And Calluses Again!!!

A common skin problem, cracked heels can range from a purely cosmetic issue to a painful condition. The most common symptoms include dry skin and thick callus that looks like yellow or dark brown discolored area of skin, especially along the inside border of the heel. Normally, cracks in the skin are visible and unpleasant to the eye.

There are numerous reasons that lead to cracked heels including dry air, lack of moisture, improper foot care, an unhealthy diet, aging, prolonged standing on hard floors and last, but not least, wearing improper footwear. Other conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, diabetes and thyroid disease can also contribute to the problem.
Besides dry, thickened skin, the problem may escalate to redness, itching, inflammation and peeling skin. Taking proper care as soon as the problem appears is highly beneficial for preventing cracks from getting deeper and causing bleeding and pain.

Not Everyone Has This Line On Their Palms- This Is What It Means If You Have It!

Not Everyone Has This Line On Their Palms- This Is What It Means If You Have It!

Some people have a little curved line under the middle and ring finger. This little curved line can comprise an entire circle or two separate, smaller lines. It is often called Venus’s circle or love belt.
Do not disappoint if you do not have this line on your palm since people who are very sensitive and prone to love problems have it. If the circle is closed it means that the person having it will experience a great love disappointment.
Therefore, if you have this circle it is for the best to not consider the relationship disappointments as fatal things but as mere lessons. If the line forms a semi circle it means that the person, in certain period in their lifetime, will experience difficulties in their love life but he/she will overcome them successfully and move on.
If you have several semi circled lines, one below another, it means that you are very emotional and sensitive.
We’ve all heard palm readers try to tell us what the different lines on our hands actually mean, but they’re often rather off. For thousands of years, people have read palms to try to tell a person’s character and emotions. To be clear, the heart line begins near the middle of your hand at the edge of your palm and ends toward the pinky finger.

Which heart line is yours?
1) If this is your heart line, you’re the ambitious one! You’re independent, intelligent, and have a lot of good qualities when it comes to judgement and making decisions. You may have a selfish, materialistic outlook on life though. Use your good qualities to better your community and yourself.
2) If this is your hear line, you’re more considerate, kind, and trustworthy with people. You tend to give away your heart a little too freely. It may take work, but it’s important to know when to be guarded.
3) If this is your heart line, you tend to be content and confident in your love life, whether you’re single or in a relationship. You’re happy every way.
4) This one was my heart line! You’re patient, caring, calm, warm-hearted and full of good intentions. You’re the charitable type. This one read me like a poem!