Monday 26 October 2015

If humans suddenly disappeared, what would happen to our planet?

If humans suddenly disappeared, what would happen to our planet?

In the event that this happened to each human on Earth at literally the same time, what results would follow? This idea analyze not just investigates the effect humankind has on the planet, additionally the mind blowing versatility of nature.
Snap! You’re gone.
If this happened to every human on Earth at the exact same time, what consequences would ensue? This thought experiment not only explores the impact humanity has on the planet, but also the incredible resilience of nature.

So what would transpire? First of all, power plants would run out of fuel and electrical fences would cease to work, releasing nearly 1.5 billion cows, 1 billions pigs and 20 billion chickens into the wild. Roadways would turn into rivers, wood houses would catch on fire, concrete buildings would crumble, and yet, one thing would remain—our plastic

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