Monday 26 October 2015

Say Goodbye To Belly Bloat Forever! Here Are 3 Simple Tips To Help You Flatten Your Stomach Starting Today!

Say Goodbye To Belly Bloat Forever! Here Are 3 Simple Tips To Help You Flatten Your Stomach Starting Today!

If you want to have flat stomach, here you can read about 3 simple ways which will help in achieving your goal:
Reduce the Salt Intake
Salt is found in every kitchen and is very important and healthy additive. But too much salt can lead to water retention and disproportion of salt and water. All these will make you bloated. Also with consuming processed foods as snacks, fast foods, frozen dinner etc. you will enter excessive amount of salt.
Drink More Water
Drinking more water will help you in discharging fluids which will make your belly flatter. The body needs more water when is dehydrated. Try to drink no less than half of your body weight measured in ounces. For example if you weigh 120 lbs. you should drink 60 ounces of water every day.
Stop Chewing Gums
When you chew gum you gulp air and it goes into the stomach and it becomes bloated similarly to blowing up a balloon .And you won’t believe it but the gym which is sugar free is worse.

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