Monday 26 October 2015

After Doing This, You Will Never Suffer From Cracked Heels, Corns And Calluses Again!!!

After Doing This, You Will Never Suffer From Cracked Heels, Corns And Calluses Again!!!

A common skin problem, cracked heels can range from a purely cosmetic issue to a painful condition. The most common symptoms include dry skin and thick callus that looks like yellow or dark brown discolored area of skin, especially along the inside border of the heel. Normally, cracks in the skin are visible and unpleasant to the eye.

There are numerous reasons that lead to cracked heels including dry air, lack of moisture, improper foot care, an unhealthy diet, aging, prolonged standing on hard floors and last, but not least, wearing improper footwear. Other conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, diabetes and thyroid disease can also contribute to the problem.
Besides dry, thickened skin, the problem may escalate to redness, itching, inflammation and peeling skin. Taking proper care as soon as the problem appears is highly beneficial for preventing cracks from getting deeper and causing bleeding and pain.

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