Monday 26 October 2015

What your tummy shape says about you? Know it here!

What your tummy shape says about you? Know it here!

There are many different shapes of tummies, and every shape has some meaning for your lifestyle. Know about them here and read how to get rid of an ugly looking tummy
check the video 

xYour lifestyle is sedentary. You keep yourself busy in desk work for hours. Your consumption of alcohol and sugar effects your tummy, and you might not be exercising.
Prefer to take small breaks during desk hours, cut down the consumption of alcohol and sugar, and add some exercise in your routine.
Perfectionists have stress tummy. They consume more caffeine and sometimes skip meals. They are junk food lover.
Try to add relaxation techniques in your exercise routine. Sleep properly and eat healthy.
These people aims for demanding career. Lower back stress causes the tummy to stick out.
Add stretching exercises in your routine. Try to have more intake of fats and nuts.

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