Friday 26 February 2016

10 things that relates to everyone’s life From Chhello Divas Movie

Since past couple of years there is a huge change in Gujarati cinema, people have started watching more of Gujarati movies and there is this new movie Chhello Divas which has become a super hit and is still running successfully in theatres. People love the movie so much that they have watched it 2-3 times in theatre. So today we have list of things that Chhello Divas relates to everyone’s life.

1) We all have a friend who never comes on time

There is this one friend in group whom we have to call 10 times and ask, bhai tu ghare thi nikadio ? ketli vaar hu pochi gaio, and he’ll reply, bas 5 min ma aio, pochi gaio parking karu chu bey.
chhello divas movie star cast vicky

2) Every group has one angry young man who is always ready to fight

It’s better we don’t poke this type of friend in group, if he gets going then pati gaiu.
chhello divas dhulo

3) We always laugh at our friend when he is in silly trouble, but will always help him out.

when a friend is in trouble we make fun of him at first but then we only cheer him up and save his ass.
chhello divas movie photos

4) You will always miss your college days

college days are best days of life and you cannot get those days back once gone
college days are best days of life chello divas

5) You don’t study for exams yet pass by copying

We as usual don’t study in exam yet our friends help us copy and yeah, kapli toh chej baki chori karva mate.  
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6) We don’t care about any faculty but when principle is on round we act like a sincere student.

that moment when we are trying to bunk a class or doing masti, principle comes and we act like a very sincere student who attend all lectures.
chhello divas principle

7) That hot girl in your class with whom all your friends flirt.

The very first time a hot girl enters the class and every boy in class is staring at her and your mouth stays open. Your friend tell you, bhabhi che aa tari Modhu toh bandh rakh la
hot girl in your class with whom all your friends flirt chhello divas

8) Their is always one boy and girl in your class who are best friends but never tell that they love each other.

Prem toh badha ne college ma 1 vaar thaio j hase. don’t wait and propose, baki akhi life apsos rahi jase
chhello divas photos

9) Your dad has caught you at least one time with your girlfriend at home.

That moment when your dad enters your room without knocking the door when you are inside with your girlfriend.
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10) Everyone of us has had a secret crush on our college teacher

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11) Every group has that one friend who tries to hit on you girlfriend

Believe it or not one of your friend is always jealous of your relationship and tries to spoil it !! Saala tari bhabhi per lineo mare che
friend who flirts with your girlfriend

12) You miss those late night parties and crazy moments of your college life

those madness in college, chill out parties and many crazy moments are being missed. Su divso hata !!

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CHHELLO DIVAS movie has made everyone nostalgic about their college days and what all fun and crazy times they had. Best Movie Ever
photos credit :- Screenshots from CHHELLO DIVAS trailer
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How to make Rs 6 Cr in a day doing nothing

Take advantage of Make in India campaign and tell the world you are launching a product for India.
People in India are going crazy for Make in India campaign and all you got to do is take advantage of it. Launch a smartphone for just 251 Rs, surprise the users with a jaw-dropping price and give it a very attractive name Freedom 251 with features like HD screen, dual cameras, 3G and much more.
How to make Rs 6 Cr in a day doing nothing
Marketing cost (you spend Rs 0)
If you are launching a phone at only 251 rs then you will obviously grab attention from media and leading newspapers, websites and news channels like BBC.  Make your launch story go viral on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and many more. We all know that Indian media will promote such stories as people in India love to hear about such awesome features of the phone.
Announce the date to launch a product (you spend Rs 5,00,000 only)

All you have to do is to announce the launch date of your product. It should be near to the Make in India campaign event like it was in Maharashtra. You will easily grab attention of media, we bet you will not have to even ask media to come a they will come without invitation. No one wants to miss out on such spicy news.
Just buy few China made mobile phone and make your brand sticker and make news about it.

Spend 7,500 Rs for a website where people can pre-book the mobile phone

Make a website with call center number and other details so that users feel the product is genuine and real. Note – Freedom 251’s website does not have any contact details.
In terms and condition page just mention that you will refund the money if the product is not delivered in 4 months time.
Over 50 lakhs users registered your phone, Now customers to pay Rs 251 on your website + 40 Rs for delivery charges. So the amount comes down to 291.
If we multiply 50 lakh * 291 = approx 150 crores
Now the last thing you need to do is deposit this 150 crores into bank and get 9% monthly interest. continue getting interest for 6 months and then refund the money to users by cancelling their order.
Interest on 150 crores for 6 months comes down to 6.5 crores approx . So you get to earn so much money in few months without doing anything.
( Disclaimer :-This article is just for fun and humor, We don’t tend to hurt anyone’s sentiment so please dontgetserious :p )
- See more at:

Tuesday 16 February 2016

ऐश्वर्या बनी थीं मिस वर्ल्ड, ये हैं 10 देश जहां की औरतें हैं सबसे अधिक खूबसूरत

1. तुर्की। फोटो- एक्ट्रेस और मॉडल मरयम उजरेली।
1. तुर्की। फोटो- एक्ट्रेस और मॉडल मरयम उजरेली।
आज से ठीक 21 साल पहले बॉलीवुड एक्ट्रेस ऐश्वर्या राय ने Miss World का ताज अपने नाम कर लिया था। वह दिन था - 19 नवंबर, 1994 । ऐश्वर्या ने यह साबित कर दिया था कि भारतीय महिलाएं खूबसूरती के मामले में दुनिया की किसी भी महिला से पीछे नहीं हैं।
भारत सबसे खूबसूरत महिलाओं वाला देश नहीं
लेकिन आमतौर पर सबसे खूबसूरत महिलाओं वाले देशों में भारत को शामिल नहीं किया जाता। आखिर वे कौन से देश हैं, जो भारत से आगे निकल जाते हैं? आज हम आपको ऐसे ही कुछ देशों के बारे में बताने जा रहे हैं जिन्हें सबसे खूबसूरत महिलाओं वाले देशों की सूची में रखा जाता है।
या है खूबसूरती का पैमाना ?
खूबसूरती का कोई ठोस पैमाना तय नहीं है। ज्यादातर लोग ये मानते हैं कखूबसूरती इंसान के अंदर होती है और हर व्यक्ति के लिए यह अलग-अलग भी हो सकती है। लेकिन कुछ लोग इसे बाहरी लुक से भी जोड़ते हैं। कुछ के लिए सेंस ऑफ ह्यूमर और फ्री स्पिरिट भी ब्यूटी का पैमाना हो सकता है। अलग-अलग देशों की बात करें तो लोगों का लुक स्थानीय कल्चर के हिसाब से अलग-अलग होता है।
ऑनलाइन पोल और इंटरनेट सर्च के आधार पर रैंकिंग
टॉप लिस्टिंग की फेमस साइट, और कुछ अन्य साइट पर उपबल्ध आंकड़ों के आधार पर आज हम आपको दुनिया के 10 ऐसे देशों की महिलाओं के बारे में बताने जा रहे हैं जिन्हें सबसे खूबसूरत माना जाता है। ऑनलाइन पोल और इंटरनेट सर्च को भी इस लिस्ट के लिए आधार बनाया गया है।
तुर्की की महिलाएं सबसे खूबसूरत ! की एक रैंकिंग के मुताबिक, तुर्की की महिलाएं बेहद खूबसूरत होती हैं। तुर्की की महिलाओं को काफी फोटोजेनिक माना जाता है। इन महिलाओं को तुर्की के राजा और रानियों की खूबसूरती से भी जोड़ते हैं। इनके बारे में इंटरनेट पर भी काफी सर्च किया जाता है।
पहली फोटो तुर्किश एक्ट्रेस और मॉडल मरयम उजरेली की है। 32 साल की महिला को जर्नी ऑफ नो रिटर्न और जेट्ज्ट एबर बैलेट जैसी जर्मन फिल्मों में बेहतरीन अभिनय के लिए जाना जाता है। महिला कई अवार्ड भी अपने नाम कर चुकी है।
2. ब्राजील। सोशलाइजेशन और अपने ट्रेडिशन के लिए लोकप्रिय। फोटो- मॉडल एंड एक्ट्रेस एडरिआना लिमा।
2. ब्राजील। सोशलाइजेशन और अपने ट्रेडिशन के लिए लोकप्रिय। फोटो- मॉडल एंड एक्ट्रेस एडरिआना लिमा।
3. यूक्रेन। यूक्रेन की महिलाओं को रशियन महिलाओं से ऊपर रखा जाता है। फोटो- पॉप सिंगर, एक्ट्रेस और मॉडल एनि लोरक।
3. यूक्रेन। यूक्रेन की महिलाओं को रशियन महिलाओं से ऊपर रखा जाता है। फोटो- पॉप सिंगर, एक्ट्रेस और मॉडल एनि लोरक।
4. रूस। फोटो- मॉडल इरिना शायक।
4. रूस। फोटो- मॉडल इरिना शायक।
5. वेनेजुएला। वर्ल्ड ब्यूटी कॉन्टेस्ट्स में वेनेजुएला की महिलाएं जीत चुकी हैं सबसे अधिक खिताब। स्लिम बॉडी के लिए जानी जाती हैं। फोटो - मॉडल नॉरेलिस रोड्रिगेज।
5. वेनेजुएला। वर्ल्ड ब्यूटी कॉन्टेस्ट्स में वेनेजुएला की महिलाएं जीत चुकी हैं सबसे अधिक खिताब। स्लिम बॉडी के लिए जानी जाती हैं। फोटो - मॉडल नॉरेलिस रोड्रिगेज।
6. इटली। फोटो- मॉडल क्रिस्टिना चिआबोट्टो। फैशन, स्टाइल और मेकअप के लिए मशहूर।
6. इटली। फोटो- मॉडल क्रिस्टिना चिआबोट्टो। फैशन, स्टाइल और मेकअप के लिए मशहूर।
7. डच महिलाएं (नीदरलैंड)। फोटो- मॉडल एंड एक्ट्रेस डचेन करोज। यहां की महिलाओं की औसत हाईट 5 फीट 7  इंच बताई जाती है।
7. डच महिलाएं (नीदरलैंड)। फोटो- मॉडल एंड एक्ट्रेस डचेन करोज। यहां की महिलाओं की औसत हाईट 5 फीट 7 इंच बताई जाती है।

Thursday 11 February 2016

Rekindle your romance in the Andamans

Regardless of how long you two have been together as a couple, it is never too early or late to plan a second honeymoon. Away from everyone and everything, Andaman fits the bill just perfectly.Skyscanner tells you how you can make your Andaman vacation unforgettably romantic.

1. Take the Inter-island helicopter

While this isn’t a regular tourist service, you can take the required permits from the Directorate of Civil Aviation and make your bookings a couple of days in advance. It’s not too expensive too – you can choose between short and long rides. A one-hour ride should cost you a little under Rs.5000, but a shorter one will give you equally magnificent aerial views of the ocean, island clusters and coral reefs.

2. Take diving lessons together

One-off diving/snorkelling trips are passé. If you and your spouse are underwater buffs, why not take proper diving lessons, complete with certification and all. The upside is that you will be eligible for the toughest and most exciting dives anywhere in the world. Dive India, Lacadives and Andaman Bubbles conduct courses of various durations throughout the year.

3. Renew your vows at the beach against the sunset

This one might be a little cliché but it never fails to warm the heart. Pick out a secluded beach and arrange for a small ceremony to renew your wedding vows – this time without the guests and the usual wedding chaos. Havelock Island has beautiful locations but is usually too crowded and touristy for such endeavours. Neil Island is a much better choice.

4. Go hiking deep into the tropical jungles

Long Island has exquisite stretches of wilderness where you can go for long treks and overnight camping with your partner. The beaches are pristine, with soft white sands and if you’re lucky, you’ll even spot dolphins early in the morning.

5. Wine and dine at the Red Snapper

One of the best seafood places Havelock has to offer, Red Snapper scores with its romantic ambience and organic décor. Book yourself a table outdoors and binge on the freshest seafood while being caressed by the gentle sea breeze. Their seafood platters and pastas are out of this world.

6. Tour Havelock Island on a rented scooty

Havelock Island is the most popular spot in the archipelago and this is where all the touristy action is – shops, restaurants, resorts and the prettiest stretches of beaches. Skip the cabs and indulge in some college-time nostalgia by renting a scooty to explore the Havelock all by yourself. Drive around at your own leisurely pace, spend time loitering by the beaches (Radhanagar and Beach No. 5 are touted as the best) and watch the sun go down at the end of the day. A scooted rental will cost you less than Rs.300 per day.

7. Exchange rings underwater

The underwater sea walk is one of the most memorable experiences you will have in the Andamans, especially if you are a non-diver. Take it up by a notch and exchange rings while standing on the seabed as colorful schools of fish whizz past you. Make sure you have someone to take pictures! You don’t have to know swimming to be able to take an underwater sea walk. The activity is extremely safe and quality controlled, and a guide will train you on safety procedures and take you around the reefs.

8. Scale Saddle Peak

If you two are true adventurists, you will love the trek up to Saddle peak, which happens to be the highest point in the archipelago. The route is extremely scenic, with lush jungles and cave formations. The trek is slightly demanding though, so make sure you are fit enough to take it on. The views from the top are truly spellbinding.

9. Get a couple massage at Barefoot Spa

Barefoot is one of the most luxurious resorts in Andamans and even if you don’t happen to be staying there, you can surely visit their Ayurvedic Wellness Centre to treat yourself to an exotic massage for two. The masseuses here are professionally trained in Ayurvedic rejuvenation techniques and you are guaranteed to come out relaxed and refreshed.

10. Lose yourself in history at Ross Island

There’s something incredibly romantic about ruins and Lost Cities. The ruins of Ross Island date back to the Victorian Era and are tucked away deep into the tropical forests. The place has a vibrant history of invasions and natural disasters, with many stories to tell.

11. Climb up the Little Andaman Lighthouse

Lighthouses have a charm that is hard to miss, especially this one because of its secluded location and mesmerizing views of the coastline. The lighthouse can be easily accessed by a two-wheeler or a longish trek. Climb up the 200 stairs and once you are at the top – kiss!

When it comes to stealing romantic moments, a standard weekend getaway just won’t do! Download Skyscanner’shotel app and find the best deals on hotels across the world. Available on the Apple App Store and the Google Play App Store.

11 secret beaches in Goa

Escape the crowds of Colva, Calangute and Anjuna by visiting these unexplored beaches instead.

Goa has a very long coastline with almost unbroken sand cover. So, if you’ve come looking for sun, sand and sea without the crowds and the fuss you’ll be pleased to discover these beaches tucked away in quiet recesses where you can go to truly escape the world, or at least get away from prying eyes and annoying hawkers. Here is Skyscanner’s list of secluded beaches to try during your Goa holiday. You might have to take your own food and water as there are no eateries or accommodation near some of them. And though some of them may seem out of their way, you’ll be glad for the peace and quiet when you get there.

1. Butterfly Beach

This exquisite gem not only has a pretty name but is a relatively unexplored stretch of sand because of its isolation. It’s located on Butterfly Island and is a great place if you’re looking for total privacy. The only way to reach Butterfly Island’s beautiful beach is by boat from Agonda or Palolem beach.
Photo credit:

2. Kakolem Beach

If you’re really up for an adventure try getting to this little-known beach, also known as Tiger beach. Located in a bay, its breathtaking beauty makes up for almost getting lost on the way there. The sands are clean and deserted. The only way by land is to take the NH66 highway towards Cola village. Turn north-east and drive on a broken old road which will lead you to a small platform. Take the narrow steep winding stone stairs leading down to the beach. A much easier way to get there is by renting a boat to transport you there and back.
Photo credit:

3. Galjibag Beach

Just like the increasingly popular Morjim beach, Galjibag is also a seasonal nesting and hatching site for the endangered Olive Ridley turtle. But unlike Morjim, this beach is deserted except for a handful of shacks that sell cheap, delicious seafood. Galjibag is 18kms from Canacona, south of Talpona river estuary.
Photo credit:

4. Hollant Beach

This serene beach has a lovely bay with a long stretch of shallow water running into the sea that is perfect for non-swimmers and waders. The beach is rocky but the picturesque bay makes up for it. You’ll even see fishermen’s boats lining the narrow, curving shore to create a quaint picture.
Photo credit:

5. Betul Beach

The wide expanse of this compact sandy beach can be found about 18kms from Margao. The scenery will remind you of traditional coastal fishing villages. It even has a small lagoon and a 17th century fort nearby. Get to Mobor beach by land and then take the Cavelossim-Assolna ferry across the River Sal to the beach.
Photo credit:

6. Arambol Beach

This beautiful place in Pernem is another quiet beach where you can have lively Barbeque evenings with friends and family, if you’re so inclined, while enjoying the views of the cliffs bordering the beach on both sides. The area is slowly gaining in popularity, attracting a more bohemian crowd to its shorelines. Cafes and restaurants have popped up close to the beach so you’ll be able to enjoy a chilled beer after a swim.

7. Agonda Beach

This is a fabulous place for a beach picnic under a beach umbrella. The rocky crag on the southern tip of the beach against an azure sky lends a bit of drama to the serene landscape. Go looking for the bats nesting in trees that line the shore. You can’t miss their black capes and orange-brown faces. It’s located about 37kms from Margao.
Photo credit: Max KLM / Panoramio

8. Cola Beach

Even locals, who don’t live nearby, have never heard of this beach before. To get to this hidden treasure travel south to Canacona and then look around for the signs that will lead you to an immaculately spotless beach pictured against a flawless backdrop of coconut groves and blue skies. It’s only five minutes away from Agonda beach and has a unique lagoon surrounded by beach huts where you can stay overnight.
Photo credit: Alli Khan / Panoramio

9. Velsao Beach

Just north of the popular Majorda and Colva beaches in the southern part of Goa is this stunning beach with soft, silvery sand and nothing but a lifeguard and some birds to keep you company. You’ll spot a few swimmers here but like you they’re there to escape the crowds of more popular beaches nearby.

10. Sinquerim Beach

This is a pristine stretch of alluring white sand close to Fort Aguada. It’s relatively quiet despite the luxury resorts in the background. It’s a great spot to sit in peace while enjoying the colours of the setting sun light up the sky over the Arabian sea.

11. Siridao Beach

About 12kms south of Panjim near the Zuari river estuary is this beach with scattered blocks of rock in between smooth strips of sand giving the beachscape an unusually rugged appearance. Another unique quality about this beach is the fragments of oyster shells that wash up on the shore and brighten up the beach. The Chapel of Jesus of Nazareth is the nearest landmark. Siridao also has a few caves nearby that you can explore.
Photo credit:

Keen to explore quiet and remote beaches? Book yourflights, hotels and car hire with Skyscanner today! You can book via our mobile apps here too.