Thursday 11 February 2016

Travel to Europe: 3 affordable holidays

Paris, Vienna, Prague. You don't have to break the bank to travel to Europe. Here are three itineraries that will take your through some of Europe’s prized destinations at a reasonable price.
Nearly every travel lover nurtures a dream of traipsing through Europe. And why not? It beckons with its scenic beauty, its romantic allure, its rich history. There is something for everyone, whether you want to fly from city to city in a whirlwind tour, or want to take a month-long backpacking holiday, exploring small towns and villages. While a month might seem like too much of a luxury, given the fact that leave from work or studies don’t come easy, a week or 10 days is far more doable. It is also enough time to sample life in Europe. The greatest convenience of travelling in the continent is the fact that one visa allows you to travel to most European countries. To help you along in your planning, we put together three itineraries – all on a budget. All three will take you on different routes through a selection of European cities and give you ample time to explore.

Barcelona – Paris – Brussels – Amsterdam

Duration: 10 days, 9 nights Budget: INR 2.5 lakhs for two people
A view of Barcelona as seen from Park Guell, with the sea in the background
Here is a route that takes you to some of the most popular destinations in Europe, going from the shores of Spain to the laid back canal maze of Amsterdam. What’s more exciting is that a part of the journey will be by train, chugging across the countryside and through towns.

Barcelona (3 nights)

Located on the Mediterranean coast, this is the city of quirky architecture, art, history and football. With three nights here, you have ample time to walk through the narrow alleys of the old town area, shop on the high streets, visit its many architectural attractions and catch a museum or two. Things to do: Barcelona has something for everyone. Sample a slice of history here – the city has plenty of it. Ancient churches, the stone-walled maze of the old city area, historic mansions and palaces, and to top it all, remains of the old Roman town preserved in an underground museum. The art museums house the works of several masters; there is also a Picasso museum with his early works. Don’t leave the city without visiting at least one of Antoni Gaudi’s buildings. His grandest plan – the Sagrada Familia church – has been under construction for over a century and will take at least another decade more. If you find yourself with half a day’s time, head out to Costa Brava, the beautiful, ragged coastline peppered with little beachside towns. Embassy details: Honorary Consulate General of India, C/Doctor Fleming, 21, Entrada B, local 1, 08017 Barcelona Tel: 93 212 04 22; Fax: 93 212 03 54 Website:

Paris (3 nights)

Fly from Barcelona to Paris, the city of lights, considered one of the most romantic cities in the world. Always a hotbed for artists, writers and scholars, Paris awes with the grandeur of its buildings and the charm of its neighbourhoods. The Seine stretches languidly through it, life buzzing on either banks. Things to do: The Eiffel tower, Louvre and its most famous occupant Mona Lisa, Notre Dame Cathedral – there is no dearth of sight-seeing possibilities in Paris. During peak tourist season, you would be fighting for elbow room with other tourists at these attractions. Enjoy Paris at a pace that suits you – take a cruise on the Seine, watch the lights come on at night on the Eiffel Tower, visit some of the smaller and lesser known museums, watch the world go by from one of the many cafes – take in the Parisian spirit. If you have time, you could also take a short train ride out to Versailles to see the old royal palace. Again, be prepared for a long queue during tourist season. Embassy details: Embassy of India, 13-15, Rue Alfred Dehodencq, 75016 - Paris Tel: 00 33 1 40 50 70 70; Fax: 00 33 1 40 50 09 96 Website:

Brussels (1 night)

A train from Paris will get you to the Belgian capital in under two hours. For chocoholics, would identify the city as the chocolate capital of the world. And yes, the city does take that title seriously – it turns chocolate into art. But that’s not all of course. The city is home both to grand old palaces as well as modern wonders, like the Atomium. There is also the quirky little sculpture that has come to be an icon of Brussels – the peeing boy. Things to do: Make the most of the time you have here and walk around the city. Sample the chocolate and Belgian waffles, visit one of the many popular cafes and make a beeline for the Grand Place. The Grand Place is a plaza surrounded by old buildings, including the city hall. The spheres of the giant Atomium holds exhibitions and has an observation deck. Pay a visit to Manneken Pis too, as he cheerfully takes a leak. Embassy details: Embassy of India, Belgium, 217, Chaussee de Vleurgat 1050 Brussels Tel: +32 (0)2 6409140, +32 (0)2 6451850; Fax: +32 (0)2 6489638, +32 (0)2 6451869 Website:

Amsterdam (2 nights)

From Brussels, you will be on the train again, this time heading to the Netherlands. In about one-and-a-half hours, you will be in the city of canals and cyclists, of gabled facades and bridges – Amsterdam. Lying as it is below sea level, it has made water management a science of precision. Things to do: There are many ways to see the city, and the most recommended mode is to hire cycles. It is one of the most cycle-friendly cities in the world, with dedicated lanes on every street. For a different perspective, hire a boat and tour the canals, lined by the leaning, narrow buildings. For art lovers, the Rijksmuseum and the Van Gogh museum are must-visits. The Anne Frank house also draws a lot of visitors and preserves the rooms in which she and her family lived in hiding during World War 2. Visit the city’s many markets and sample different varieties of cheese. You could also make a visit to The Hague, the seat of the Dutch parliament. Embassy details: Embassy of India, Buitenrustweg 2, 2517 KD The Hague Tel: +31-70-3469771; Fax: +31-70-3617072 Website:
Infographics showing the budget and itinerary for Barcelona, Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam
All rates are for two people, estimated based on prevailing cheapest flights and average costs for apartment rentals.

Budapest – Vienna – Prague – Berlin

Duration: 8 days, 7 nights Budget: INR 2.6 lakhs
Chain Bridge across the River Danube in Budapest at twilight
In a little over a week, travel through Hungary, Austria, Czech Republic and Germany. With an overnight train journey included, this promises to be an exciting itinerary for travellers who want to experience a slice of picturesque Europe.

Budapest (2 nights)

The hilly Buda and the plains of Pest, connected by the Chain Bridge across the Danube – one of those iconic images of Budapest that you carry in your mind. The city has a complex history of occupations, wars and uprisings, with poignant memorials to mark the milestones. Things to do: There are several historic buildings to feast your eyes on, like the parliament building, the 19th century Chain Bridge, the Royal Palace and so on. Get great views of the city from Citadella, a former fortress. A boat cruise down the Danube will give you a whole new perspective of the city. Of the many museums in the city, the one that stands out with its name is the House of Terror. The building was used both by the Nazis and the communist dictatorial regime to detain and torture prisoners. It now holds exhibits of those regimes. If that isn’t quite your cup of tea, the city also has several bathhouses where you can relax in steam rooms. Embassy details: 1025 Budapest Búzavirág utca 14, Hungary Tel: (36-1) 325-7742/43; Fax: (36-1) 325-7745 Website:

Vienna (2 nights)

You will be travelling by train from Budapest to Vienna – the city that has music in its soul; the home of Mozart and Beethoven, Haydn and Schubert. From churches that play the compositions of the great masters, to opera houses and concert halls, to popular clubs known for their jazz and rock music, music aficionados have much to explore in this city. And that isn’t all. Lively cafes, opulent architecture, palaces and museums – you have it all. Things to do: Two of the most popular tourist attractions in Vienna are the imperial palaces of Hofburg and Schonbrunn. Go on a music trail, visiting memorials ad museums dedicated to the city’s musicians and ending with a concert, an opera or just some good music at a night club, according to your tastes. There is also a Sigmund Freud Museum, which documents the life of this Viennese neurologist and psychoanalyst. Attending a Viennese ball could also be quite an experience and considering the city hosts around 450 balls a year, it shouldn’t be difficult to attend one. Embassy details: Kärntnerring 2 (2nd Floor), 1010 Vienna, Austria Tel : +43 1 505 8666 Website:

Prague (1 night)

The train from Vienna to Prague is overnight, thus saving you the cost of one night’s accommodation. From the city of music, you are now in the City of a Hundred Spires, a fairy tale city of towers, cobblestone lanes and sheer romance. This ancient city is now one of the most popular destinations for tourists from across the world. Things to do: Prague’s Old Town has remained mostly undamaged by the many wars and bombings the city has seen. Head here to see the 15th century Astronomical Clock, the oldest working one of its kind. There are several other monuments of historical importance and grandeur in this area. Click pictures of the beautiful old Charles Bridge, visit the Prague castle and take in the view from atop the Petrin lookout tower. For something different, check out the Lennon Wall, which has images of musician John Lennon and graffiti inspired by The Beatles. Embassy details: Milady Horákové 60/93, Holešovice, Praha 7, Czech Republic Tel: + 420 257533490 Website:

Berlin (1 night)

Here is yet another European city with a complex and turbulent past. It has lived through severe damage that happened at the end of World War 2 and division during the Cold War. Berlin today is a youthful city with a vibrant nightlife and excellent creative spaces. Things to do: From shopping to monument hopping, there is plenty to do in Berlin. Visit the East Side Gallery, a legacy of the past – it is a section of what remains of the Berlin Wall, which now stands as a memorial. Also take a dekko into the Reichstag building, which has housed the German parliament for several years and has shared the city’s turbulence. At the end of the day, catch a drink at one of the city’s many beer gradens, or go club hopping – in this city that barely sleeps, you are sure to find something to suit your pocket. Embassy details: Tiergartenstr.17, 10785 Berlin Tel: 0049-30-257950, 0049-30-25795611; Fax: +49 (30) 25795620 Website:
Infographics showing the budget and itinerary for Budapest, Vienna, Prague, Berlin
All rates are for two people, estimated based on prevailing cheapest flights and average costs for apartment rentals.

Rome – Florence – Zurich – Cologne

Duration: 8 days, 7 nights Budget: INR 3 lakhs The Colosseum in Rome, Italy, with the sun setting in the background
Imperious, impressive cities defined by art, music and architecture. Centuries of history rubbing shoulders with modern life. The romance of winding stone-paved lanes, mountains and cool summer evenings by ancient ruins. All this and more awaits you on this itinerary.

Rome (2 nights)

The first image in your mind probably is of the partly-ruined Colosseum or the tall columns of the Roman Forum – icons that remind you of the might and power of the Roman Empire, structures that have weathered centuries. Wrapping your head around all that the city has witnessed can itself be overwhelming. Things to do: The grand old trio of the Colosseum, Pantheon and Roman Forum rub shoulders with modern urban development. The imposing structures stand as testimonials to the powers that were; and the charming piazzas and elaborate churches a glimpse of the architecture of the times. A visit to Vatican offers more grand buildings – the St Peter’s Basilica in particular. Don’t miss the magnificent museums of Rome, with their collection of paintings and sculptures of maestros. Embassy details: Via XX Settembre, 5, 00187 Rome, Italy Tel: 0039 064884642-3-4-5; Fax: 0039 064819539 Website:

Florence (1 night)

Florence is less than two hours by train from Rome. At this riverside city, feast on some of the best collections of Italian Renaissance art (and also on some superb food and wine). It was home to some of the pioneering scientists and explorers, including Galileo Galilei and Amerigo Vespucci, not to mention the many artists who were nurtured here. The charming city offers views of sloping brown roofs with the meandering river Arno, criss-crossed by picturesque bridges. Things to do: This is a city ideal to tour by foot – walk the narrow lanes, going from historic monuments to museums to plazas. The birthplace of Renaissance, Florence is home to masterpieces by Michelangelo, Botticellli, da Vinci and many more. The Florence Cathedral is one of the main buildings that looms on the Florence skyline and is worth a visit. Embassy details: Via XX Settembre, 5, 00187 Rome, Italy Tel: 0039 064884642-3-4-5; Fax: 0039 064819539 Website:

Zurich (2 nights)

Set on the banks of Lake Zurich, the city is a financial hub, the gateway to the Alps and a foodie’s delight. This scenic Swiss city is a hop and a skip from several tourist resorts. Mountains loom in the horizon and the hills nearby offer great trekking options. There is much to explore, from the well-preserved old city centre to shopping streets. Things to do: Take a ride on the funicular, spend an evening on the lake promenade, go up the Lindenhof hill for a beautiful view of the city, and walk along the busy shopping street of Bahnhofstrasse. If you are travelling in winter, you could take a train out to one of the nearby skiing resorts. Else, hike up or take a train to Uetliberg, a hill that overlooks Zurich, and get great views of the city and its surroundings. Embassy details: Kirchenfeldstrasse 28, CH-3005 Berne, Switzerland Tel: 0041 313501130, 0041 313501139; Fax: 0041 313511557 Website:

Cologne (2 nights)

Founded by the Romans, Cologne served as the capital of a Roman province and headquarters of military in the region, saw occupation by the French and British, was one of the most important ports on the European trading route, and went on to be one of the most heavily bombed German cities during the second World War. Now it is Germany’s fourth largest city, continues to be a trading hub and attracts thousands of tourists every year. Things to do: Medieval churches and other buildings of the era, and the several bridges across the Rhine stand as prominent landmarks of the city, as do quirky buildings of modern architecture. Cologne has a clutch of museums with exhibits ranging from ancient art and architecture to modern art. Explore the city’s traditional neighbourhoods that are dotted with stores of independent designers, cosy bookshops, art galleries and cafes. Don’t forget to grab a bottle of the original Eau de Cologne, which literally translates to ‘water of Cologne’. Embassy details: Friedrich Ebert Anlage 26, 60325 Frankfurt am Main Tel: +49 69 1530050, 15300510; Fax: +49 69 55412 Website:
Infographics showing the budget and itinerary for Rome, Florence, Zurich, Cologne
All rates are for two people, estimated based on prevailing cheapest flights and average costs for apartment rentals.

Odds and ends

Trains: They are a great way of seeing Europe. You have several options to choose from, be it superfast trains between countries of suburban trains that take you to smaller towns. Get yourself a Eurail pass or similar, and you can travel between countries of your choice on days convenient to you. You can pick packages that let you travel to two countries, or three. You can find more details on the Eurail website here . Visa: Indian passport holders require a Schengen visa to travel to the countries featured in these itineraries. This one visa can take you to most of the European countries. But remember that all of Europe is not covered under this, notably United Kingdom. If you are including countries other than what’s on our list, do check whether it requires a separate visa. When applying for a Schengen, it is preferable to apply for it through the embassy of your first port of call. For instance, if you plan to fly from India to Paris first, apply at the French embassy. More information on the Schengen visa here and here. Food: A regular meal would cost you anywhere between 8-15 Euros on average, per person. Breakfast would come cheaper, though. Not all restaurants will have vegetarian options, so look up vegetarian restaurants before you head out. Stock up on inexpensive snacks from supermarkets for those munchie attacks. Accommodation: Budget hotels, apartment rentals, paying guest facilities, youth hostels, backpacker dormitories – Europe has a plethora of options for the budget traveller including good and inexpensive hotel rooms and youth hostels. Safety: Several European cities are notorious for pickpocketing, bag snatching incidents and scams to trap the unwitting tourist. So when you are out sight-seeing, be aware of your surroundings, keep your bags close and your passports closer. A money belt would be a good idea.

Helpful links

• The website Indian Compass answers most common doubts and questions about travelling in Europe. • If you would rather backpack through Europe, you can find some route ideas here.

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